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Friday, October 06, 2006

Bread dough

Today is my baby's 3 month birthday. I love everything about him and everything he had brought to my life, except what my husband lovingly refers to as "the after baby bread dough belly". Yep, I've still got it. One last little inch and my pre-pregnancy jeans will button. Sometimes I think that (because it is bread dough) all I'd have to do is poke it and it will deflate. Unfortunately, when I tuck it in right here, it seems to grow over there. Before I got pregnant I worked hard to lose 30 pounds. For months every conversation I had seemed to begin with, "Wow, you look so much better!" I know it was a compliment and I should have taken it as so, but in the back of my mind I kept thinking, So I look better, but not great. How bad did I looked before? Now with ten pounds of bread dough left to go, I can't wait to hear those nasty little words again!


  1. You are so funny. I like the part of deflating the bread dough.

  2. Anonymous10:59 AM

    just wate tell you hit your 30's and you also have gravity draging every thing down. Like me!
    dont fret it will be off in no time

  3. Why don't you ever comment on MY blog?

  4. Hey RaNell, I'm so glad that you commented. I hope that you read my blog often!
