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Monday, August 25, 2008

Chuck Wagon

Saturday night after the adventures at Wild Life West, DeNae invited Joey and I to the Chuck Wagon dinner and entertainment also at Wild Life West. I had so much fun. The band, Swing Riders, were hilarious. I loved that every time I spontaneously burst into song DeNae was right there singing along with me. I feel like I can totally be myself with her even though we were surrounded by strangers. Joey and Raul were slightly embarrassed (after so many years of marriage they've learned to roll there eyes and pretend they don't know us) by our cowgirl whoops and hollers and quietly retreated into a portable game.

Afterwards we apologized to the people sitting next to us. They reassured us that we were the life of the party. GO US!

Seriously, you'd think we'd been drinking. Nothing like be high on life and great relationships.


  1. how come we weren't invited?

  2. If you can't be crazy with your sister, who can you be crazy with?
