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Saturday, December 22, 2007


Well, they made it home safe. I guess that is all that matters. Whether or not the truck will run again- I don't know. Just outside of Castle Rock the fuel pump broke. The guy who sold us the truck told us it needed changed but thought it would make it to ABQ. It didn't. We had planned on changing it as soon as Joey got home anyway. Its a desiel and the fuel goes bad if the motor isn't run every once in a while. Joey thinks this is what happened and now the fuel system is clogged. Every 30-45 miles the truck died. Joey had to keep getting out in the below freezing temperatures and blowing snow to get it running again. Finally about 1/2 mile from our house it died, not to be started again. Joey called and asked me to try and pull him home. It was 1 am and my kids were asleep. I went anyway. My poor car just couldn't get enough traction on the ice. At 3 am Joey had to call Raul and have Raul pull him the rest of the way home. But he is here and the truck is here. Hopefully it won't take too much to fix and we'll have a good vehicle.

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